WOMEN NEED TO TALK TO THEIR DOCTOR – NPR Article Underscores Important Patient Needs
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, CAMBRIDGE, MA, July 30, 9:00 AM: According to a recent article published on NPR.ORG, WHAT WOMEN NEED IN A CHECKUP (http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwicnpzyw), there is often confusion among women over the need for an annual physical examination. Some experts currently view many tests that are usually included in an annual physical examination as excessive, unnecessary, and costly. The article also states that what women also need is to be able to talk to their practitioner. The article goes on to mention that women often save up their questions for their visits with their physician and need time to discuss all of their concerns.
Other healthcare experts have expressed concern that reimbursement issues and economic considerations may be a motivating factor in prescribing less frequent testing without regard for patient safety. The WorldPath Health Executive Wellness Examination addresses both of these concerns – both for women and for men
At World Path Health the most advanced techniques of medical testing are employed to evaluate health and to detect the presence of disease or other dangerous conditions. This highly advanced testing often replaces more invasive and antiquated tests, and can detect problems at earlier stages. At the time of follow up annual examinations, tests that should be performed on a regular basis are repeated while studies that can be performed at less frequent intervals may be reserved for future examinations. The schedule for annual testing is should and must be customized to meet each client’s individual needs. Tje only criteria for testing should be patient health, wellbeing, and safety.
WorldPath Health professionals understand and embrace the importance of close and candid doctor-patient communication and always respect the patient’s need to talk with their health care professionals. WorldPath patients enjoy unlimited opportunity to discuss their questions and health care concerns with their WorldPath physician, nursing care specialist, and all WorldPath Health professionals involved in their care.
The combination of appropriate advanced technology testing and personal attention to detail make the WorldPath International Executive Wellness Program the best health assessment available anywhere.
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