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WorldPath Health – the best healthcare anywhere

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WorldPath Health is the oldest, most experienced, and most trusted international healthcare company in the world. WorldPath has served hundreds of grateful patients from over 40 different countries. WorldPath Health provides access to the best healthcare available anywhere in the world in a caring, compassionate, and culturally sensitive fashion.

WorldPath maintains an international network of recognized medical experts in all areas of healthcare and an active association with top tier medical institutions in The United States and throughout the world.

True Life-Saving Stories

  • “AH” looked to everyone else like a perfectly wonderful healthy little girl. But she wasn’t. After just catching a ball or running a few feet, she would become exhausted and her lips would turn blue. She had a very complicated congenital abnormality of her heart and blood vessels. Although present…

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  • “JG” was enjoying a wonderful day playing and laughing the way little kids do. But mom noticed something was not right JG was complaining of a headache. Soon it was the worst headache of her young life. Her speech became slurred, and she was not behaving normally. Mom knew something…

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  • “WL” did not expect to fall. Entertaining with friends and family, a sudden misstep changed his life. His knee replacement, performed two years ago, had suddenly became a life threatening emergency. The prosthesis that had been used was the wrong size and had been placed incorrectly. These mistakes had caused…

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  • “HN” had many medical problems in his life that he had overcome. His time was his most valuable asset, running his multinational company, but always devoted and available for his wife and children, and his extended family. Now it seemed time was running out for him. Only an organ transplant…

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  • “CQ” loves to explore, and has travelled to some of the world’s most wonderful, exotic and sometimes little travelled places. When he returned home from his last adventure, he expected to be tired. This was often the case. What followed next, was not at all expected. Within two days, CQ…

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  • “MR” was a healthy man for most of his life. But recently his age, increased weight, and underlying medical problems, had taken their toll on his heart. Once able to keep a head of almost anyone, when he arrived in Boston this time, he was barely able to walk up…

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