Low calcium can predispose to bone fracture and low Vitamin D has been implicated in a variety of disease states and conditions. There have been disagreements regarding safety and value of calcium and vitamin D supplements for fracture prevention. According to experts, supplementation with calcium together with vitamin D can modestly lower fracture risk. Supplementation with both is recommended for those with insufficiency or osteoporosis. In an exhaustive review of the literature and reported experience, supplementation with vitamin D plus calcium was found to reduce fracture risk but evidence for the value of calcium alone is not convincing. There can be gastrointestinal side effects with calcium supplementation, and an increased risk for kidney stones so supplementation should be prescribed and monitored by a physician. There has been some concern that this supplementation could increase the risk of heart problems but there is inadequate evidence to conclude that supplementation with vitamin D and calcium increases cardiovascular disease risk.
WorldPath Health offers screening for low blood calcium, low Vitamin D levels, as well as osteoporosis and other risk factors to all patients as part of the WorldPath Executive health Program. Advanced technology evaluation often replaces older, less accurate tests as effective screening tools. Both screening and treatment are available as part of the WorldPath Health Executive Health Program
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