If the results of the standard examination indicate the possibility that a particular disease or condition might exist, additional testing may be recommended in order to further define the nature and scope of the problem. If the client desires, this additional testing mat be arranged promptly and conveniently at the time of the wellness examination or at another convenient time.
The WorldPath Executive Health Program employs the most advanced technology available to determine a client’s state of good health or to detect evidence of an underlying disease or condition that might require further study or treatment. Although no test program can completely insure good health, this series of tests and examinations can predict with great accuracy the client’s state of health and the presence or absence of detectable disease.
At times, further testing is negative demonstrating that there is, in fact, no significant problem. If a previously unsuspected disease or condition is discovered, it is comprehensively evaluated and assessed. Intervention and treatment may be recommended targeted at curing the problem or diminishing the impact on the client’s lifestyle, health, and longevity.
If treatment is recommended, the unparalleled WorldPath Health network of hospitals and internationally renowned experts in all fields of medicine stands ready to provide expert consultation and total care. Consultation with leading medical professionals in all fields of medicine can be conveniently arranged and treatment can be provided promptly and conveniently in one of the world-renowned Harvard affiliated medical centers in WorldPath network in Boston and elsewhere.
Treatment may be also arranged close to the client’s own home with your private physicians in consultation with WorldPath professionals. Close consultation with the client’s personal physicians and extended follow-up after the client returns home are provided.